Firefox is getting very popular lately, mainly due to its customizability. I use firefox as my main browser and use all sorts of addons which help me in web-development. These addons make my firefox hungry but I can’t do without them. So, instead I tweaked around some settings in firefox which made it much responsive… Continue reading [HowTo] Optimize Mozilla Firefox for better performance
Why computer recognizes hard drive size to be less than whats printed on box
Once in a while, everyone must’ve been confused and intrigued about the hard drive sizes. The don’t give what the promise. I still remember when I bought my first 20GB harddisk and was surprised to see only 18.6 GB. I was about to return it back claiming it was damaged when I researched and found… Continue reading Why computer recognizes hard drive size to be less than whats printed on box
[Solved] Really slow Synaptic downloads
I was trying to install some applications when I saw extremely low speed of downloading. I had a fast connection and browsing was fast. Therefore, there was a problem with the synaptic. To solve this: Go to System -> Administration -> Software Sources In the ‘Download from’ box choose other. And click on ‘Select best server’.… Continue reading [Solved] Really slow Synaptic downloads
[HowTo] Playing wmv files in Ubuntu
I had many wmv files but I wasn’t able to play them. Ubuntu by default doesn’t support wmv files due to legal reasons. You can, however, make them play. In terminal, type: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras Or, you can go to synaptic package manager and install ubuntu-restricted-extras. After installation, you will be able to play… Continue reading [HowTo] Playing wmv files in Ubuntu
Installing applications (Using synaptic package manager and terminal)
Applications is the key element of a computer. Without applications/softwares, computer is useless. Ubuntu has a pretty good software installation mechanism. All the softwares are at one place in Synaptic Package Manager which. This makes it easier to install applications. Instead of browsing the application website and downloading it from there and then installing it, all the… Continue reading Installing applications (Using synaptic package manager and terminal)
[Solved] Wlan led does not blink in Ubuntu
This is a common problem in Ubuntu. The led which shows wlan activity doesn’t blink (flicker) at all. I googled and found some results out of which this tutorial helped a lot: This maybe due to the fact that I am using madwifi drivers for my wlan. The other solution that I found was,… Continue reading [Solved] Wlan led does not blink in Ubuntu
Extracting and adding files from and to Rar and 7z files
For Rar files: My friend sent me a link to a rar file just today. After downloading, I found that rar file wasn’t supported natively on Ubuntu. I tried different softwares but none was good. So finally I installed rar and unrar, both of them aren’t free. They provide integration with the native gnome archive… Continue reading Extracting and adding files from and to Rar and 7z files
Connecting to a windows computer on LAN using Samba
Well, you would consider this to be very difficult task to accomplish but it wasn’t. It was confusing at first but once you know what you got to do, its really simple. Samba is the application you need for this purpose. To install samba type: sudo apt-get install samba4 in terminal and enter your password… Continue reading Connecting to a windows computer on LAN using Samba
The Ubuntu Interface
Well, I didn’t talk about the Ubuntu interface much in my first post. The top-panel: Well, its simple, clean and neat interface. You’ll find a panel on top of the screen (Yes, its called a panel). You have multiple menus on panel and you have the liberty to add more custom menus. By default, it… Continue reading The Ubuntu Interface
Auto mounting partitions at start-up in Ubuntu
System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager Search for pysdm and click on the square and click on ‘Mark for installation’ and click apply. The package will be installed. Alternatively you can go to Applications->Accessories->Terminal and type ‘sudo apt-get install pysdm‘. It will ask the password, enter it and pysdm will be installed. Once installed, type sudo pysdm in… Continue reading Auto mounting partitions at start-up in Ubuntu